Get Up Nation®! My name is Ben Biddick. I’m the Creator and Host of the Get Up Nation® Show and Co-Author of Get Up: The Art of Perseverance with former Major League Baseball player Adam Greenberg. Recently I had the honor and privilege of speaking with United States Air Force Veteran Charlynda Scales. Charlyda is the CEO and Servant Leader of Mutt Sauce where her mission is to bring American families together, one bottle of sauce at a time. Her grandfather, Charlie “Mutt” Ferrell, Jr. created an all-purpose specialty sauce in 1956. In 2013, she learned that she inherited the coveted recipe. Humbled by his trust and belief in her, Charlynda now uses her background in business to share her grandfather’s delicious flavors with the world. Charlynda, thank you for joining me on the Get Up Nation® Show!
The Get Up Nation® Show is brought to you in partnership with Veteran Owned Got Your Six Coffee! Learn more at www.gotyoursixcoffee.com!
Most episodes of the Get Up Nation® Show are edited and mixed by Daniel Thabet! If you need podcast editing and mixing of the highest quality go to https://www.podcastdoctors.com/
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Anchor: http://bit.ly/39WCHkz
Soundcloud: http://bit.ly/2Nrjf81