Guest: Roberto Clemente Jr.,
www.robertoapp.com, www.brain365.com, www.mybrainisready.com
What up, Get Up Nation? My name is Ben Biddick, the Host of the Get Up Nation Podcast and Co-Author of Get Up: The Art of Perseverance with former Major League Baseball Player and CEO of www.lurongliving.com, Adam Greenberg. Welcome to Episode 18 of the Get Up Nation Podcast!
Roberto Clemente Jr. continues the brilliant legacy of his father by speaking around the world about the Roberto App. He joins me as a guest on the Get Up Nation Podcast to share how the Roberto App serves people by helping them to understand brain health, decrease stigmas, and challenge misconceptions about mental health. In this Get Up Nation Podcast episode, Clemente Jr. bravely shares his own struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress following the loss of his father at the age of 7 and subsequent alcoholism. Today he celebrates a life of sobriety and service that helps people persevere through and passed depression and other mental health challenges. It is an honor for this podcast to participate even in this small way of contributing to his family’s legacy.
Click here to listen!
This episode is dedicated to the family members of Carmen Roche in Puerto Rico and the United States, two of which are great fans of Roberto Clemente and his family. Alberto and Edgar Roche of Milwaukee and Janesville, Wisconsin, and the Roche family, this one's for you both.
Be sure to go to www.getupnationpodcast.com and subscribe with your email address to receive updates and inspiration from the Get Up Nation Podcast! It's fuel for the fire within!
www.robertoapp.com & www.brain365.com & www.mybrainisready.com
Music: Awaken by Ethan Rank and Heart of Gold by Duce Williams & Miami Folk
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